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Another user blogs | Momo05 11.11.2013. 3:02:00

Blog title: A letter to my future Husband.

Dearfuture husband,

Although I rarely write here on these forums, Ican't help but feel compelled to write something to you. It's wedding seasonright now, and all this talk about marriage has made me think about you a lotlately. I just wanted to tell you how much I love you, even now--even though Idon't yet know who you are. I am praying for you every day, and I can't waituntil the day we meet. Marriage is such a huge commitment, and I know that Godwants us both to grow up and mature a little bit more before that day can come.

you may find this hard to believe, but I am ayoung Christian woman who strives to obey the Church in all things. I know howdiscouraging the dating scene can be these days--it seems as though there areno young woman in sight when it comes time to go to Mass. Most woman my ageavoid the Church because they think it is too feminine. And it is true that inmany ways, churches have become overly effeminate in their presentation of thefaith. But I know that a real woman is a woman who serves and protects. youthan to pray for you during Mass, in the real presence of Jesus Christ? Yourfaith is very important to you, and I will honor that. I promise, when we meet,our Christian faith will always come first.

Speaking of being a woman--it is difficult to dothat these days, with the radical feminists trying to undermine the role ofwoman.we grow up to be wimps. But I am not like that. I am doing my best to bea strong woman , a woman of Christ, so that when we meet I will be the bestwoman I can be for you. I even find myself making an extra trip from time totime--I want to be your wonder woman and protect you to the best of my ability.

Secular society has a completely warped idea ofwhat marriage is. I have witnessed so many broken marriages--brokenfamilies--because one or both spouses did not understand what real love is. Idon't want us to end up like that. Real love is an action, not a feeling--thoughit is true that there are feelings associated with real love. These couples gotmarried based on their feelings alone, not on a genuine love for each other.Where there is a lack of love, there is selfishness--and a marriage in whichthere is selfishness cannot stand. Hence, the huge number of divorces today.People have lost their sense of what true love is; a complete gift of oneselfto the other. I promise, when we meet, I will love you with real love for aslong as we both live.

There is so much confusion about sex today.Fornication, contraception, abortion--all of these things turn sex from agiving act into a selfish taking act. But I know that in order to be a completegift of the couple to each other, sex can only work inside the commitment ofmarriage. Because I cannot bear the thought of giving you a substandard,incomplete gift, I have decided to remain chaste. When we meet, i'll never tohave sex before we are married. I respect you too much to let that happen. Ipromise, I will save myself for you and for none other.

You may sometimes feel like you have to looklike a supermodel or actress in order to be considered attractive. But I amhere to tell you, you are already the most handsome man in the world tome--even though I haven't seen you yet. the truth is, a man is far moreattractive to me when he is secure with heself the way he is, If you want me tofind you, don't do anything to your appearance. Your natural is what willattract me.

Once we're together, I will always be by yourside. When you need to talk about anything, I will listen. When you need to becomforted, I will hold you. When you're feeling sad, I will kiss you on thecheek. When we have children, I want to raise them with the same love anddevotion that our parents raised us, while doing my best to not make the samemistakes they did. But I am by no means perfect--I, too, struggle with sin. Butwhen I think of you, my desire to sin goes away because I think of how sinhurts those around us--and I would hate to hurt you in any way. It is for thisreason that I feel God is calling us to be together--that we may help eachother avoid sin and make it to heaven. And you are already helping me by yourprayers and by the fact that I can't stop thinking about you.

These things are difficult for me to writebecause I am not very good with words. But if by some crazy chance you areactually reading this, then it is worth it. I love you very much. I will bepraying for you from afar until the day we meet, on which we can begin prayingtogether. If you ever feel lonely, just think of me. I really do exist. Love,

your future wife.

Users comments    

Djemi | 12.11.2013. 2:27
Hey! that was very nice smajli i really like what you've written.  

Momo05 | 12.11.2013. 3:14
thank you so much smajli  

redinjet | 12.11.2013. 21:47
i am reading it, really nice..momo! smajli your future husband ^_^  

Momo05 | 13.11.2013. 16:05
thank u smajli hahahha smajli  

Fidel30 | 23.11.2013. 17:51
Hey,I wish I could be the lucky man destined to marry a wise lady like u  

niwasatul6666 | 27.11.2013. 14:42
even if 70 percent of what u say about ur feelings is true .. u r going to have a beautiful married life.. smajli  

crazya_100 | 29.11.2013. 19:42
every future husbands would like to have future wife like you smajlismajlismajli  

hussainboss69 | 3.12.2013. 13:50
In the end u will empty ur husbands pocket.... ur very buttery But nice  

John305 | 14.12.2013. 17:22
Nice 1  

navneet | 21.12.2013. 4:52

prajeshieee | 6.3.2014. 23:54
hey nice description  

Yha_Lidya9669 | 1.4.2014. 16:43
nice. smajli  

satendra66 | 12.5.2014. 22:56
Hey! that was very nicesmajli i really like what you've written.  

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